Monday, March 26, 2007

Sketchbook drawings

On Mark Kennedy´s blog you can read a very helpful advice about being a beter artist to carry your sketchbook wherever you go.

So let´s go and read his Post!!!

He motivated me to go in a café and draw some people. Well i´m back and that´s my work i did today. Not very much because the weather became cold in the evening here in Germany. But it was very fun.


uwe said...

hallo yavuz!

die zeichnungen ganz oben finde ich am besten. die sehen schön locker aus.

unbemerkt said...

ein guter tipp, wahrlich. und schöne skizzen - lockerer strich. mehr davon! :)

g1toons said...

nice sketches

peter said...

he he! da bist du ja! )) Cool!!!